Maintenance Tips for Hyundai Owners

February 04 2022, Century Hyundai

Maintenance Tips for Hyundai Owners

The Hyundai brand is well-known for its affordability and reliability, but there are some things that owners should know about to keep their cars in top condition. For those that have a Hyundai, or those that are considering purchasing one, here are tips to help with the maintenance of your Hyundai vehicle.

Familiarize Yourself With the Basics

Driving a Hyundai is not just an everyday occurrence for many people, it's the only vehicle they will ever own. With this said, there are some basic guidelines we should follow to keep our car looking and running like new. The first thing you need to do when driving any type of vehicle is familiarize yourself with how everything works. This includes knowing what all the buttons on the steering wheel do as well as understanding where each button goes on the dashboard. If you don't understand something, ask someone who does!

Don't Skimp on Oil Changes

Oil changes can be one of the most inexpensive things that happen in your car. However, if you're going to spend money on anything related to your car, make sure it's oil change.

Keep Your Tires Firmly In Place

When a tire loses air pressure, it becomes soft and prone to a blowout. You should always check your tires for proper inflation before getting into your car or truck. It may seem obvious but this step will save you from having an accident due to low-pressure tires.

Mind Your Hyundai Battery

Your battery is responsible for starting up your engine when you turn the key. When your battery dies, so do all other electrical components inside your vehicle. Make sure you have enough power by checking your battery regularly.

Test Your Lights

This is especially important when traveling through unfamiliar areas where there are no streetlights. The last thing you want is to get lost because your headlights aren't working properly.

Change Your Filters Regularly

Your vehicle has several filters that need changing regularly in order to keep the engine running smoothly. If one of these filters gets clogged up with dirt or debris, then it can cause problems such as poor gas mileage, overheating, and even stalling out.

Make Time for Maintenance Visits

It's a good idea to schedule regular maintenance visits at least once every six months. This way, if something does go wrong during this time frame, you'll have plenty of warning before any major issues arise.

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